Friday, May 13, 2005

Hot-Luck Cancelled

Fran called with the bad news. She still wasn't feeling any better. I had to send a notice that the "Hot-Luck" for tonight was cancelled. We feel terrible about this. And we had such fun plans too. I mean, this would have been our first one with an actual beer tap in the house, we had a nice whack of vodka coolers and Corona (and limes) onhand, a nice selection of non-alcoholic soft drinks and cranberry drinks, and even a whack of juice boxes for the kids who sometimes attend with their parents. Fran had some newly acquired dried hot peppers (habanero and scotch bonnet) for table decorations and I was ready to release the latest version of my "after burn" suicide wings on the world. Oh well, we'll just have to re-schedule for a non-traditional date in the near future....

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