Monday, March 07, 2011

Life Begins At Forty

After you reach your forth decade, you're likely to hear someone say that life begins at forty.

Perhaps it's because at forty you're still young enough to look ahead at achievements you wish to make, at goals and dreams to attain, yet you're experienced enough to have several achievements under your belt and perhaps a more realistic view of your abilities, strengths and weaknesses to make those things happen.  Or maybe it's because you've become slightly better in various ways as you age, the way a scotch aged 15 or 18 years tastes better than one aged for merely a dozen years.

Maybe that's why they say life begins at forty.

The reason I'm thinking about this isn't because of my own age (Forty and I were introduced to each other a couple of years ago), but because this year E-Books (or ebooks if you prefer) turn 40. It was in 1971 that Michael S. Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg, made a digital version of the United States Declaration of Independence.

March 6 to 12, 2011 is Read an E-Book Week. And, it being 40 years since ebooks were first created, it's a special one at that. Ebooks are becoming more commonplace than ever, particularly in the past 12 months.

And if you look at a matrix of ebook reading devices, you might become a little bit overwhelmed with just how many there are. I currently own 2 ebook reading devices. Okay, I own 6 (because you might as well count computers and smart phones) - but, looking specifically at dedicated ebook readers, I own two of them, and yet I do most of my ebook reading on my iPhone. Why? Because it's always on me - and to a book lover, when it's important to always have a book with me, guess what wins, yes, even over physical books.

Admittedly, I still prefer to read physically printed books, but knowing there's always a book on the device that I always have with me is of a great comfort to me - it means I needn't go anywhere without having a book to read with me.

In celebration of "Read an ebook week" there are many great promotions happening. I thought I'd join in and offer one of my own for free. 

You can download one of various different ebook versions of One Hand Screaming directly from the Smashwords website for free using code RE100.

If you prefer (or after this week is over, since the promotion's last day is March 12, 2011), you could always purchase it for $0.99.

Yes, for less than the price of a cup of coffee, you can pick it up from Sony, Diesel, Kobo or via Apple's iBookstore. Or better yet, just grab a free one and enjoy it.

And if you enjoyed reading this collection of short stories and feel obligated to say thanks, go online to any place that sells the paperback version or ebook and simply rate it, review it, etc.

Happy E-Book Reading Week to you!

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